In His Hands

Seeing the anhinga again today meant the bobcat was most likely somewhere else.

Last week, as I walking to the car, carrying my new kitten for his first vet visit, I noticed a bobcat across the parking lot, across a small canal, standing in front of a wooded area. It was the first time I had seen one and so I started walking toward it, wondering if bobcats could swim a...s water was the only thing keeping it from me.

It was only when the kitten started crying that I turned around and headed back to the car.

Safety versus risk.

I spent a lot of time in prayer this morning, walking around the church. I know a lot of people who count their steps with a pedometer and I'm starting to think I should market a spiritual version. How many minutes do you spend with God each day?

I have a decision to make in the upcoming days and I've struggled with it as I have labeled one course the safe one and the other choice the risky one. It was only when I was praying this morning that I realized I may have mislabeled them.

Following God, choosing to follow God--I've heard it said such decisions are filled with risk.

But it's my belief that doing what you know God wants you to do, is never a risky move.

Just ask Jonah.

Risky is running the opposite direction toward what you think (emphasis on "you") is safety.

But faith is so much easier to say aloud or to write down. Living that faith is what requires commitment and a wiliness to put your life in someone else's hands.

The first night I brought the kitten home, he hid behind the Bibles on the shelf. I sat down in front of the books and reached my hand back behind them, into the darkness, where for all I knew, the kitten was ready to rip my hand to shreds. I touched his back with the tips of my fingers and immediately he started to purr.

Still, it took him a while to come out.

Behind the books was safe, he thought.

It took faith on his part to come out and put himself in loving hands.
