Here Comes the Sun

It really was something like out of Bronte novel.

Choose your Bronte, Emily, Charlotte--it doesn't matter.

It was so foggy that I fully expected figures to emerge from the mist like ghosts across the parking lot.

But that was before the sun had risen enough to work its own magic.

When I arrived at church, I watched a one legged osprey sit on a branch and cry before flying off.

I took pictures of spider webs dripping with water.

And then the sun broke through, rising up over the water, and above me the clouds parted and revealed peeks of blue sky.

Without the sun, things turn brown, leaves lose their beautiful green.  Even in Florida, the Sunshine State, even in warm temperatures, one cannot fight winter.

Except the ferns, who manage to find just enough sunlight to live.

Some days, we have to make do with what we are given.
