Cloudy Days

Though Florida may not be suffering from the record breaking cold that the rest of the country has felt this winter, it is certainly suffering from the cloudiest winter I have seen since moving here.

What has happened to the Sunshine State?

Clouds then rain, then clouds then rain.

It may not be cold, but it feels like winter, in the sheer stillness of nature.  The few birds I hear, I cannot see and the rabbit I saw some days ago that I thought might be the sign of nature reawakening was a mere fluke.

Even in Florida, nature sleeps through winter.

It's a struggle to find things to take pictures of.

I look for patterns, for oddness.

And I love this picture if for no other reason than the palm tree seems to have sprouted clown hair.

Humans were not made to hibernate despite our propensity to burrow under the covers during those cold days.

And so we alone must endure what the rest of nature does not.

We must endure the winters of our lives, the sunless days, the frigid days.  And in order to survive those winters, we must not stay still.  We must keep moving, keep looking, keep searching for anything that will bring us even a second of joy.

I was thinking the other day that blessings are something that can only be lived in the present tense.  We cannot anticipate them, nor can we fully appreciate them once they have passed.  We must live them presently, even if those blessings last only the blink of an eye.  We must live that second in joy in order to make it to the next.
