What the pictures don't show

As much as I love bringing you pictures every day of Hope, I am sometimes saddened by what a picture can't show you.

This morning I heard the hawk but couldn't find him.  A picture can't capture his cry, which is somehow plaintive, despairing and demanding all at once.  A picture can't hold the chuffing of a squirrel which somehow manages to sound like a baby's cry.  A picture can't bring you the gentle cooing of the mourning dove even as it flies away startled.

A still picture cannot show you how the blue jay flies.  Smaller birds flit from branch to branch, but the blue jay flies like a biplane in battle, diving through the leaves.

It was cold this morning, a biting cold.  A picture cannot tell that story either.

A writer, a photographer, an artist.  They can only take you so far.

In the end, life must be simply lived in order to be appreciated.
