Through the clouds

Come to church at sunrise these days and you are bound to find it cloudy.

Or foggy at the least.

And the best you can hope for is to find that exact right time when the sun is strong enough to break through.

I found this morning that it took only a little sun to illuminate this osprey and frame him in splendor.

A little sun.

This morning during the service, I found myself in tears as we sang "Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!"  It's a song that's familiar to me from many years in the Catholic church, one of those crossovers that I don't need the hymnal for.

And yet I realized even as I sang the words that I had not been paying attention to them.

"Not as orphans are we left in sorrow now," the second verse begins.  Suddenly this morning, the words carried great meaning.

Not as orphans.

In other words, we are never alone.  In sorrow, in heartache, in grief, God is with us.

I lost one cat this week and adopted two more.

There are times when the sadness seems overwhelming, but then I come home and the new kitten acts like I've been gone for a week and nips at my heels and won't leave me for a second.

And there is my sun, breaking through the clouds.

And there is God as always, whether it be rain or sun.
