Sun Shower

This morning I saw a rainbow diving out of a cloud.  But for this one lonely cloud, the sky was mostly blue and the sun bright.

How can you have a rainbow, I asked myself, without any rain?

Which was precisely when it started to rain.

Yesterday I wrote about the odd Florida weather in December.  I even nostalgically wished for a little winter chill.

I grew up in the north and without a doubt snow is beautiful, but it is only beautiful for a little while, right after it falls, before anyone has stepped onto the sidewalk or any car has rolled tracks through the street.  Snow turns from white to gray very quickly. 

Sometimes, even though it's cold, very little snow falls.  And then, you are left with a winter of gray things, barren branches and dead grass, folded over and stamped into the ground.

And so yes, Florida is beautiful in the winter, because there is color.  There are rainbows.  There are flowers still.  There are leaves turning from green to red as the sun shifts its position in the sky.  There is color and so even though we all have to deal with shorter days, at least I can count on explosions of color that pop open unexpectedly like the doors and windows of an Advent calendar. 
