
According to the date stamp on the picture, ten years ago I made a climb.

The school I was teaching at hosted a rock wall for students to climb during P.E. and because I had always wanted to and not necessarily because I thought I could, I decided to harness up and give the wall a try.

If you look at the picture, which I won't post here, it looks like I'm as high up as the power lines.  I think at best, I reached ten feet, at which point I completely forgot the directions for getting down, leaned back and fell, landing flat on my back, unhurt and surprisingly, laughing.

Curiosity is one of the greatest gifts we are given by God.  It allows us to push, to reach, to strive, to look around the corner, to stare up at the tallest trees or mountains and wonder and imagine.

And the great thing about wonder and imagination is that they can often lead to very real leaps of faith. 

Sometimes we will fail.  Other times we will succeed.  Neither success nor failure matters.

We are filled simply by addressing the questions of our heart even if those questions remain unanswered.


Why is the world this way?

What will happen next?

Can I do this?

Is that God's shadow falling across my arm?

Is that God walking with me?
