
In the environmental world, footprint refers to the mark we, as individuals, leave on the world, by the things we consume, the things we throw away, the cars we drive--virtually anything we add to the environment that negatively affects it.

This morning as I walked around Hope, for the first time I began thinking of my literal footprints, the literal footsteps I take each morning.  For the first time, it occurred to me that I while I wanted to take the best pictures, the best examples of what I saw around me, I didn't want to take those pictures at the expense of the environment around me.

I didn't want to disturb the squirrel that was eating.  I didn't want to frighten him away.  The same for the rabbits.  It's so rare I find two together, I didn't want to startle them or disrupt their morning.  They have enough to worry about and the land around Hope should be a place of peace for all living things.

So I stepped lightly this morning.  I stepped slowly.  I stopped--a lot and I left before I had a chance to send the rabbits scurrying away.

I think of all the little things in my day that cause me stress: the cat hunched over in pain, the car that cuts me off at an intersection, the fact that even though I'm home now, I have to go out later for medicine I forgot to pick up.

Little things add up.  We don't even realize it.

And today I didn't want to be one of those little things to the animals at Hope.

Today I've included two pictures.  I was blessed to capture them.
