Chasing Dragonflys

I've read that mockingbirds can recognize humans, not recognize as in they know that you are human and the green stuff you're standing on is grass, but recognize as in they know you, personally.  They know if you're the one coming out every morning taking pictures from a distance or if you're the one making a racket, stirring up the squirrels and ruining that morning's sunbathing in the trees.

There was an osprey again at the church this morning, this time standing directly on top of the church instead of the trees.  I tried to move around it so to get a better shot, but the osprey, whether it knew me or not, was not interested in photo ops. 

Nor was the blue jay who moved so fast, the only thing in the picture was its tail.

But the squirrels were prime for their close-ups, standing in the sunlight, chewing on something, stocking up for winter.

And so was the dragonfly, not nearly as still as the one from a few weeks ago--this one fluttered off a time or two, but it was steady enough for even my shaky hands.  And the chase was worth it.
