
It was a dreary morning, gray and cloudy, humid with a bit of a breeze.  There's a cold front coming, but, as I explained to my mom the other day, a cold front in Florida, this time of the year, means highs in the low eighties or upper seventies if we're lucky.

During the same phone call, I also explained to my mom 365 Days of Hope and she asked if I thought I would have trouble coming up with something new to take a picture of each day.  I told her that I had been worried at first, but now that I've been doing this for a while, I know that God provides and seasons change.

When I first started this project I took a lot of pictures of flowers, but now the few flowers that are hanging on this late into October are paler and smaller than they had been.  And already I have made the transition from flowers to birds.

But today, the weather was so "meh," I really didn't know what I could possibly find to take a picture of.  I headed down the path to the water and looked immediately to my left as I always do at the Memorial Garden.  I was hoping to find a heron or other large bird at the shoreline, but I was out of luck.

It was only when I turned and looked to my right that I saw something new.

I knew that one of the youth at Hope had been planning on creating a prayer garden, but I wasn't sure where or when it would appear.

Here it was, though, this morning, appearing suddenly, as if it had simply fallen through a rift in time, complete and whole with its arbor and bench, with a line of bricks, a line of demarcation setting this place aside for silence and prayer and listening.

So no, I don't worry that I will run out of pictures to take because the day that happens is the day God stops speaking.

And as we all know, God never stops speaking, never stops trying, never stop reaching out and calling us to Him.
