Yes, they can hear you

What an amazing morning of Hope.

There has been so much rain lately and sometimes I find myself at the church during the rain and sometimes hours after, but this morning, I found myself at Hope between showers.

It was still raining in the trees.  The drops at the very top fell pitter-patter from leaf to leaf to leaf to ground.

There was so much to see, so much beauty.   How things come alive after the rain.

I checked on my yellow flower from yesterday and as expected, it had fallen away, but half a dozen other flowers had sprouted overnight, smaller than yesterday's but young and fresh and translucent from the rain.

The hibiscus had lost its two blooms from earlier in the week but already a new bloom had risen and opened.  I knelt in front of it.

"Look at you," I whispered.  "Look at you.  Look how beautiful you are."

And yet as beautiful that hibiscus was, it was only when I was leaving and had my hand on my car key to open the door that God directed me one last place.

The water was ponding by the trees and there and there and then there again, frogs were leaping from the water to the brush.  Overhead the trees released raindrops that fell into the water in concentric circles and I began taking pictures.  The frogs were too fast, but I hoped if I just took those random blind shots, I might be blessed.

I laughed.  I had never seen so many frogs.  I had heard them before, plenty, at night from across the parking lot.  They sound like car alarms.

But these frogs were small and chirping.

It wasn't until I got home and looked at the pictures that I saw the gift I had been given.

Look in the lower left corner.  It's there.  Very small, but there.

These are the joyful moments that make even the rainiest days wonderful.
