
Habits form quickly.

Today is day thirty-two.

Thirty-two days of driving to church each morning and taking a picture.

Every morning.  It doesn't have to be morning.  It could be mid-day or night, but, maybe because I get up so early, and maybe because it is still so hot outside, I find myself driving to church in the early morning just after sunrise.

It feels natural to do so.

Even on days like today when I'm fighting nausea and headaches and pain.

Today I made my way back to the Memorial Garden, but like every other day, it was on the way back to the car, when I thought I was finished, that I found my picture.

I had not noticed these flowers before.

But this morning they caught my eye and that of my giant bumblebee friend who seems to have the same tastes I do.

One of the many things that strikes me about God's creation is how something like this flower, something tangible, something I can hold, something that can hold a massive bee, mirrors in so many ways something we cannot touch--the stars in the sky.

That is what these flowers look like to me.  They look like constellations, look the fiber optic lights you buy that sit on a desk and bend and bloom, or hang from the ceiling.  Remember the glow-in-the-dark stars we could stick to the ceiling of our bedrooms?  Remember the planetariums we visited as kids?

We can touch the stars.

Right here.
