Look at Me

It seems like whenever I sit down at the computer to do some writing, the cat appears a minute later and either hops on top of the bookcase under the window, or begins winding his way through my legs and around the chair. 

Sometimes he simply sits and every thirty seconds or so emits the most pitiful mew.  Sometimes his cries are louder and more demanding.  He practically slams his head into the desk as he rubs against it.

Cats, mostly known for their independence, can be quite demanding when they want to be noticed.

Mine actually cries when he jumps up on my lap, I guess to let me know he's coming.

It seems that more and more the pictures I post on this blog are the last pictures I take.  They are the things I notice last, when I am heading back to the car, when I'm already writing my rather long-winded captions in my head.

They are an afterthought, appearing, literally in the corner of my eye, sometimes so large, like the winged elm that sits in the traffic circle, I wonder how I could miss it and sometimes so small, they might as well be the cat's quiet, soft mewing, insistent and demanding to be noticed.

I don't know that there is anything particularly special about these flowers except that they are so small and they were so few, the last survivors of this morning's pruning.
