Forgive me for the Dewdrops

Forgive me for the dewdrops.

I know some days it seems impossible for me to take a picture that doesn't have some drop of rain or dew clinging to a leaf or flower petal.

Last night it rained, it stormed and the thunder shook the house.

And now in the morning, the last of that rain has settled on the leaves and flowers.

I love when that one last drop seems ready to fall, but hangs there instead.  Any second, any second, any second and it will slide away and fall to the earth.

Aren't we those dewdrops, those raindrops?  Don't we cling, afraid to fall?

But interestingly, it's only when the rain finally makes it to the ground that it fulfills its true purpose, to nourish the earth, to water the plants, to help God's creation grow.
