Even Rabbits Walk the Labyrinth

Even rabbits walk the labyrinth.

I followed one this morning, sitting at the start of the labyrinth and then a second later moving down the path and then a minute later already several laps in.  He may have cheated.  It's easy for rabbits to jump the path.

The rabbit was walking the labyrinth for food, physical food, munching on grass and leaves.

We walk the labyrinth for more spiritual nourishment.

Which makes me think that God does not distinguish between human and rabbit when it comes to providing us with what we need.  All are loved.  All fall under His care.

It was an odd sort of morning.

On one side of the church, the labyrinth side, it was cloudy and quiet.  I was trying to take a picture of a flower only to be distracted by a massive pair of bumblebees, so large that when they landed on a flower, it bent and then sprung back like a trampoline, seemingly launching the bee skyward.

At one point I thought I heard what sounded like a hundred birds leaping through the trees only to realize a minute later that what I was hearing was rain, the drops so few and far apart that I heard them before I felt them.

But then when I walked around to the other side of the church, the sky was blue, the sun blinding.

And I wonder if what I caught this morning was that in between time, those minutes between night and morning when the world is in a state of flux and transition.

It was like stepping between worlds.
