
I'm beginning to love these blind shots, where I have no clue if the picture is in focus when I take it, no clue about the lighting, no clue as to what the finished project will look like.  I just stick out my hand and take the picture.

There is a term in sales called the "blind box."  It means you order something, a toy or a t-shirt or something, without knowing exactly what you're going to get.  You order because you have faith.  You trust the t-shirt maker, or you know that the toy you're getting will be something from Doctor Who--it doesn't matter what exactly because you love Doctor Who and will be happy with anything.

That's what I feel like when I'm taking some of these pictures.  I hold out the camera, snap the picture and accept my blind box.

And what a beautiful gift I was given today.  I love these flowers.  I've tried to get pictures of them in the past.  I love that this picture in particular looks like the sun, that the veins that runs through it look like sunbeams and the way the shadow falls looks like an eclipse.

I love that even in the sun, there is still enough shadow to preserve the tiniest bit of moisture.

I'm learning many things as my make my daily trek to church.  I'm learning to pay attention and I'm learning about faith.
