Walk Softly

One of my goals when I go to church to take these pictures is to do as little planning as possible, to be inspired, to let God direct me, to learn to pay attention, to let things happen rather than trying to make them happen.

A good lesson all around.

Even so, I drove to church this morning hoping to get a picture of a bird.  It's not the season for birds.  There will be plenty in a few months, but still, I hoped.  I knew as I walked along the water that if I clomped along like I normally did, I would scare off any herons before I had a chance to snap their picture.  So I walked softly.

There were no birds, but for a few hidden in the tree tops, whistling away.

I took a few pictures of flowers and trees and then stepped into the outer ring of the labyrinth to head back to the car.

Actually it was more of a clomp than a step, because as soon as I made that step, I saw it ... not a bird, but a rabbit, right there five feet away from me.  He had not been scared off by my clomping, but was definitely in bolt-at-any-moment mode.

He didn't move as I took his picture.  He didn't move when God gave me a second of strength, just enough to squat down, so I was on his level.  After a few more pictures, fatigue set in, my hands began to shake and I stood up before I ran out of energy to do that.

The rabbit hopped a few feet away from me as I passed it, but I made sure not to scare it, not to get too close.

Wild rabbits aren't as pretty and fluffy as the store bought kind, but anything that thrives in nature, that thrives on its own even with concrete and cars and exhaust and predators all around, is a thing of a beauty.
