
Not all is as it seems in this picture.

You think it's simply a picture of an angel, sitting on a table, next to a framed print that you may or may not be able to read.  It says "The Secret Garden."

And you might wonder why there is a message about gardens in an interior room.

But the secrets are just beginning.

Because if you were able to pan around, you would see that this window had a view of our labyrinth on one side and the playground on the other.

And if you were able to pull back, you would see that you're not looking out of one window, but two.

Because I actually took the photo from another interior room, one that used to be a nursery, I think, and then a storage room and now is a room of contemplation, which has only one window which overlooks this room and this angel, who stand before another window which overlooks the garden.

We never see the whole picture, do we?

We never know if we simply look to the right or to the left, what we might see.

We never know if we simply change our perspective what might God reveal to us?
