
Every day I drive to the church to take a picture.

I don't show up on Monday, take seven pictures, and then post them, one by one, the rest of the week.

I am at the church every day.

This is key to my project 365 Days of Hope.  It means going to the church on days I don't feel well.  It means, though this hasn't happened yet, going to the church in bad weather and good.  It means that I do my best not to plan what picture I will take or what I will write about.

It means that I am giving this time to God. 

Some days, I spend thirty seconds at the church.  Other days, ten minutes or more, whatever I have strength for, whatever it takes before I feel like God has led me to where I need to be.

All that being said, I did have a plan when I drove to church this morning.  I wanted to take a picture of the chapel.  The overhead lighting isn't very flattering, but then I remembered the room had a small lamp sitting on the counter and that was just enough light to provide the warm glow I was looking for.

The chapel has a story, one I hope to tell you some day.

But today is not that day.  Today I took pictures of the chapel and then of some other rooms in the church that have recently been reclaimed, guarded everywhere by angels hanging on the walls.

I wasn't overly pleased with any of the pictures I took, but I walked back out of the church, locking the door behind me and got ready to leave.

The sun was coming up and I love taking sunrise pictures.  At the right angle, the sun provides some of the most beautiful and unique lighting you can imagine.

I made my way over to the hanging hibiscus.  They are, perhaps, my favorite flower to shoot.  Today, though, these flowers looked weak and worn by the sun and heat.  But the coloring was unique and I started snapping pictures.  Over and over, but I couldn't get the shot just right.

So then, I flipped the camera over and started taking the pictures from underneath.  You have to appreciate that because of my health, I can't squat down and look up to make sure I'm framing the picture correctly.

I just have to do my best, gather my patience and have faith.

And then, there it was.

Some pictures don't need words.

Some pictures are simply poetry in and of themselves.

How blessed am I?

I had taken the photo blindly.

And God had blessed me for a little bit of faith.


  1. Magnificent! God truly blessed that moment and I bet He said "well done my good and faithful servant."



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