
We laughed years ago when they installed exit signs over our classroom doors.  What else would you use the door for but to exit?  Neither of the two doors led to a closet and both of the doors had windows that clearly showed the hallway on the other side.

I know ... I know, if the lights went out, the doors needed to be clearly marked, but still it seemed a little obvious.

When I first started attending Hope, I remember thinking that the corridors inside were maze-like.  Left, right, left, right--did I need a ball of string or breadcrumbs to show me the way?

Emergency exit signs are helpful at Hope even in non-emergency situations, especially for the newcomer.

I'm not sure if this painting of Jesus and the exit sign over his head were purposely designed that way.  If so, bravo on the symbolism.

Here we are in darkness, standing at the end of a long hallway, and at the end is the light and light illuminates from and by and all around Christ.  His arms open, welcoming.  And there is the exit sign over his head.

In case of emergency, in case of trouble, in case of fear and doubt, walk this way.
